About Me

Hi, I am Yari, and I'm a fun and safe Psychic-Medium and spiritual therapist
who helps people awaken!
I did not start out this way! Actually, it took a long time for me to get here! I was always interested in the metaphysical. I always knew there was something else out there beyond our comprehension. My mom was an empath, and my grandmother was a medium. But we never used those terms. I just knew that my mom hated crowded places and could not stand violence of any kind, it was way too overwhelming. My grandmother used to scribble on a piece of paper and tell you things there was no way for her to know. Me, I knew when people were going to die! Fun ha? Not so much.
Growing up everyone used to tell me all their problems, I did not seek this out it happened naturally. This compelled me to pursue a bachelor's degree in phycology and a masters in clinical social work.
After battling with alcoholism for many years I managed to get sober, but it was so hard! I was looking for something to help me out when I found meditation. And the rest, is history. I started learning and developing my skills. Now I can talk to spirits with ease among other interesting tricks!
Interested? Come join me and have some fun!
You may even learn some things about yourself and your future!!!
I am also certified with the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine (IPHM) and my identification number is: IPHMNM12243